Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Sometimes I seriously have to say to myself in my head, "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job!!!" I get so frustrated with the students who are so extremely rude to me that it takes all that I am not to lash out at them in anger (whether verbally or physically!!!) I honestly do not understand what is going through the minds of some young people these days.

I did hear about a great project called The Harlem Children's Zone. It is the mission and vision of one man who wants to change the lives and future of today's children, one block at a time. Lord, I wish I was involved in that right now...It might ease my frustrations at this point in time...I feel like I might blow my lid today...I am sitting in Reading and my students are supposed to do just that for 42 minutes...GET OVER IT! It is only 42 minutes. Do the right thing during English adn you won't have to read something "boring"!!!

PLEASE! Pray for my sanity today.

1 comment:

  1. But actually doing English work during English would just make life way too easy. :) Thanks for getting them to read today!

    --Elizabeth :)
