Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Sometimes I seriously have to say to myself in my head, "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job!!!" I get so frustrated with the students who are so extremely rude to me that it takes all that I am not to lash out at them in anger (whether verbally or physically!!!) I honestly do not understand what is going through the minds of some young people these days.

I did hear about a great project called The Harlem Children's Zone. It is the mission and vision of one man who wants to change the lives and future of today's children, one block at a time. Lord, I wish I was involved in that right now...It might ease my frustrations at this point in time...I feel like I might blow my lid today...I am sitting in Reading and my students are supposed to do just that for 42 minutes...GET OVER IT! It is only 42 minutes. Do the right thing during English adn you won't have to read something "boring"!!!

PLEASE! Pray for my sanity today.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


As I think about my childhood, the best memories that I have are the ones that include my mom and dad. When I used to play soccer, mom and dad were there, every game, rain or shine. Even my grandparents made it to so many of my activities, even through my college years.

It is amazing to me the excitement that I saw in the eyes of my student, "Miles" when I cheered him on at his soccer game. I showed up at this game that was between Miles' team - the Bridgeport Freedom, and a team from a more affluent community. As I was waiting for the game to get started, I realized that as the other team's bench filled up with parents and supporters, I was one of 4 groups of people who showed up to cheer on the Bridgeport Freedom (by groups of people I mean that there were 4 different groups, each one there for one child - so 4 children being represented out of a team of about 12). Miles' family was not one of those groups. Now I understand that sometimes there are other things going on with other children. But as I recall, there was not a single game, play, or awards ceremony that my parents were not at. I don't care how busy you are, you need to be there, everyday, in every way possible for your children. I know that I am a better person, and more audacious because of my parents' involvement in my life.

I know that Miles heard me through his entire game as I cheered, encourage, and pushed him. He did great! And after the game I talked to him about the moments that he could have pushed - I talked to him about his need to work his ass off in every situation, whether it is school or soccer, or whatever! I know that he can be amazing - he's a very smart young man, but I don't know how motivated he is. I don't know if he has ever been pushed to be motivated about anything. Just that little extra push during his game, that little extra expectation made him work harder. If it were not for the encouragement from my parents, I'd probably be a rather mediocre teacher/wife/citizen of God. We must lead our kids (or student in my case) by example to help them understand the importance of hard work and motivation.

I guess I will be back out there at Miles' game next week too...